Characteristics of the Rule and the Desired Eligious Political System from the Perspective of Verses and Hadiths

Morvarid Mohammadzadeh, Shams Hasanvandi


The Holy Quran, as a book that is the guide of human life and was revealed based on human nature, considers all aspects of human existence and his individual and social needs and meets all human needs. Politics and governance is also an important part of human life, which can be achieved by relying on the verses of the Qur'an to achieve the characteristics and components of politics and governance. The present research has been done with a descriptive-analytical method and based on library documents and resources and with the aim of examining the characteristics of governance and the desired religious political system from the perspective of the Holy Quran. Imam Ali's view of good governance, although it has elements in common with the World Bank's theory of good governance, both of which hold the same truth of good governance; However, the methods of achieving good governance in the two periods are different each time due to structural differences. From the Qur'an's point of view, the principles of good governance are based on the divine worldview and the goals of the Islamic government, such as the rule of God and the realization of human happiness, and it governs both the material and the spiritual dimensions. While in international indicators, only the material dimension of this matter has been considered. The rule of law, transparency, responsibility and accountability, and consultation and participation are the most important aspects of good governance, which are highly emphasized in the Qur'an.

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